How POS Inventory Management Works
Jessie Guerra avatar
Written by Jessie Guerra
Updated over a week ago

In this article, you will learn how to view and manage inventory in the Cents Employee Application.

In order to grant an employee access to manage inventory at the POS, you will need to head to the “Team” section in the Cents Business Manager.

Locate the employee you would like to grant access, click into “Role & Permissions,” and turn the “Manage inventory on the POS” toggle on.

Once you have this setting enabled, this employee will now be able to manage inventory at the POS.

Next, session or log in to the Cents Employee Application. Click into the hamburger menu on the left side to get started.

From here, click into “Inventory.” You will be able to manage all inventory from this screen. You can either manage all categories at once, or simply only check the items you would like to update.

Click into the line item you would like to manage.

Next, enter in the updated quantity for this specific inventory item. Proceed by clicking the check mark.

Clicking the X on the top right at any point takes you back to the POS home screen.

The inventory updates made in the Cents Employee Application will be reflected in the Business Manager for the relevant store.

If you wish to have a better understanding about these inventory changes, export the new “Inventory Sales by Employee” and “Inventory Sales by Location” reports. These reports will show you the total quantity and sales value for each product sold over a specified period of time, per employee and per location.

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