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How to Set Up a Store / Location
Gregory Ramirez avatar
Written by Gregory Ramirez
Updated over 10 months ago

Your first order of business on Cents? Set up your store locations, of course! It's the ONLY way you'll be able to access Cents' tablet application and process your in-store orders.

To get started, login to Cents and click on "Locations" under your Admin dashboard. Click the plus sign (+) to create a new location.

Enter in all the store details on the form that appeared on the right-hand side of the page, and click "Next":

Enter your DCA Number (if applicable) and select a tax rate (or create a new one if needed), and click "Next":

Create a password for the location, and click save. Make sure your password is at least 8 characters long, with a number and special character. This password will be used to login to the Tablet application in store.

Now that you've successfully created your store - it's time to establish your location settings, including your shifts and identifying the specific services & products offered at that location.

Click on "Set Location Shifts":

Create your shifts. These shifts will establish your store hours, employee shifts, and set specific tasks per shift. You'll be able to report on employee check-in & check-out times, tasks completed per shift, and more.

Specify your first shift's start and end time, and select "Apply to all" if you want to apply that shift to each day. You can always override a specific day if needed. Once you click "Save," you'll have the ability to create additional shifts if needed.

Next, you'll want to define your Services & Products for that specific location. Toggle over to the "Services & Products" section. Here, you'll see the Services & Products you've created for your business, and can specify exactly what you are offering at that location. Customize your pricing, inventory, and services you offer at that specific location. Is something unavailable at that location? No worries, just uncheck the box!

Once you have created a location in Cents, you can locate your location ID from here. Click into your location, and into the three dot menu in the top right corner. Then click "Location Tablet Login."

You will find your location ID here.

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