Turn over the scale so you are seeing the bottom of it
Remove the scale adapter cable from the scale (indicated by the red arrow):
Remove the power cord from the scaler adapter so that it's turned off
Store the scale adapter, it's cable, and power supply in a safe place
Unplug the scale's power cable from the USB wall charger
Plug that end of the cable into the USB port on the side of the Sunmi
The scale will draw its power from the Sunmi, and it will turn on
Go to the "Connections" screen in the Cents app
A pop-up will appear
Tap "OK"
Drop down the menu by the "Cents Scale Device" and select "Local"
This will immediately change the "Cents Scale Device" to the "Connected" status
Create a test order so that you can test the functionality
Put something on the scale
Start a "New Service Order"
At the wight input screen, tap the scale icon
Ensure that the reading matches what is displayed on the scale itself
If you have any issues, please reach out to our 24/7 support team
To have a wall mount or additional screen to display weight, here are the options directly through Mettler Toledo toll free 1-800-786-0812:
Option 1: You can make the base display remote by purchasing a 10 ft cable – part #30241062 - $32.75 and an adaptor - part #30317848 - $9.67.
Option 2: You can leave the base display at the base and add a remote display – part #30125729 - $378.24.
Written by Euri Romanov
Updated over 9 months ago