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Pulse Midas Washer Install Guide
Euri Romanov avatar
Written by Euri Romanov
Updated over 6 months ago
  1. Power off the machine and open the machine

  2. Attach the 7-pin connector on the Cents harness to the 7-pin connector on the control board

  3. Attach the 2-pin power connector on the Cents harness to the 2-pin connector in the wire bundle

  4. Coin Drop Connection

    1. Disconnect the 3-pin connector coming from the coin drop.

    2. Connect the male 3-port connector from the Cents harness to the female 3-port connector coming from the coin drop.

    3. Connect the female 3-port connector from the Cents harness to male 3-port connector coming from the control board.

    4. Note: there are two male 3-port connectors (one for $1 coins and one for $0.25 coins). Ensure you use the one previously connected to the coin drop.

  5. Using the adhesives on the back of the Pulse, attach it to the back of the machine with the antenna pointed into open air. Connect the Cents harness to the Pulse.

  6. Power on the machine

  7. Enable Serial Communications

    1. Press and hold the top red bar with the machine open to enter the display secret menu

    2. Press “Settings”

    3. Press “Vend Settings”

    4. Enable “Card Reader” and “Serial Payment System” (Note: You may need to scroll to see all options)

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