Applying a promo code to an unpaid active order can help provide discounts or special offers. Follow these steps to apply a promo code to an order:
Access the Application Home Screen
Begin by navigating to the home screen of the application.
Click on “Active Orders”
Locate and click on the “Active Orders” option to access the order management section.
Search for the Order
Click on the magnifying glass icon to initiate a search.
Enter the order number or customer name to find the specific active order you need to adjust.
Click on the Active Order
Once you have found the order, click on it to access more options.
Open the 3-Dot Menu
Click on the 3-dot menu on the top right to view additional actions for the order.
Select “Adjust Order”
From the menu, select “Adjust Order.” This will bring you to the order builder.
Open the Order Summary Drawer
Click on the up caret to bring out the order summary drawer.
Press “Apply Promo”
In the order summary drawer, press the “Apply Promo” button.
Enter Your Employee Pin
Input your employee pin to authorize the promo application.
Type in the Promo Code
Enter the promo code you wish to apply to the order.
Press “Apply”
After entering the promo code, press the “Apply” button. The promo code will now be applied to your order.
By following these steps, you can easily apply a promo code to an unpaid active order. If you encounter any issues, reach out to our support team for assistance.