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How to Review Reports on the Tablet
Euri Romanov avatar
Written by Euri Romanov
Updated over a week ago

Reviewing reports on the tablet is essential for managing and analyzing your store’s performance. Follow these steps to access and run various reports within the application:

  1. Access the Application Home Screen

    1. Begin by navigating to the home screen of the application.

  2. Open the 3-Line Menu

    1. Click on the 3-line menu located at the top left of the screen.

  3. Click on “Reports”

    1. From the menu, select “Reports” to access the reporting section.

  4. Enter Employee Code

    1. Enter your employee code and press “Continue to Reports” to proceed.

  5. Select Report Type and Date Range

    1. Choose the type of report you want to generate and select the desired date range.

  6. Run Report

    1. Press “Run Report” to generate the selected report.

Types of Reports Available

  • Average Order Value

    • View the average order value for your store, considering all over-the-counter sales.

  • Inventory Count

    • See a breakdown of products available in-store and their current quantities.

  • Location Revenue Report

    • A breakdown of total revenue collected at the store, categorized by payment method.

  • New Customers

    • A list of all new customers, including the date they registered and the value of their first order.

  • Order Details

    • View all orders and details related to those orders from your specific location.

  • Promotions Applied

    • See how many times each promotion has been used and the total discounted value of each promotion.

  • Sales Report

    • A detailed breakdown of all active and completed product and service sales with all relevant information.

  • Sales by Payment Method

    • A breakdown of sales by payment method, including only sales that have received payment.

  • Tasks

    • Review tasks and their completed status with notes and employee tracking.

  • Team - Time Card

    • Track your team’s check-in and check-out activity.

  • Team Member Totals

    • Track your team members’ total hours, sales, orders processed, and pounds processed.

  • Tips Per Order

    • Keep track of tips received and team members involved for each order.

By following these steps, you can efficiently review a variety of reports on the tablet, helping you manage and analyze your store’s performance. If you encounter any issues, reach out to our support team for assistance.

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