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Error Messages & Solutions
Euri Romanov avatar
Written by Euri Romanov
Updated over 3 months ago

Employee App Error Messages

Error Message

Error Meaning


Whoops! Something went wrong

Update order intake "orderItems[2].category" must be one of [PER_POUND, FIXED_PRICE]

There is an item on the order without a quantity attached.

Remove the service or item from the cart, then re-add it and make sure a quantity or weight is assigned to each service or item. Ensure there are no $0.00 services.

If there is a minimum for this service, please go into the Business Manager and remove the order minimum for the service.​

Whoops! Something went wrong

Fetch Home Screen location data. This store is missing a PayoutAccount entry. Please ensure a PayoutAccount is assigned to this store.

Your bank account and onboarding information via Stripe need to be completed or updated, and the store needs to be assigned to that bank account/payout information.

Ask the support team to verify that your Stripe information is updated or completed. Ensure the store is assigned to that bank account/payout information.

Payment Failed:

Error: Your destination account needs to have at least one of the following capabilities enabled: transfers, crypto_transfers, legacy_payments

Payout account blocked. Payout account not assigned or process not completed.

Ask Support team to ensure the correct store is assigned to the correct payout account in the backend.

Payment Failed:

Your card has insufficient funds.

Customer does not have enough funds in their bank account to complete the transaction.

Please have the customer try again with another card or choose another payment option.

Whoops! Something went wrong

java.lang. IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was STRING at line 1 column 1 path

Unable to edit order details as the order is currently in a delivery state.

Unable to edit an order once it has been completed or is in a delivery state.

Bags is required

Attempting to edit bag notes but the system has not received any bag notes to update.

Ensure the order has a bag added to it.

The machine already has an active turn, and thus cannot simultaneously be run

The machine that's been selected already has a running turn, so trying to run it again from our app will not be possible.

If this is an error, restart the machine at the breakers.


Keys for Idempotent requestscan only be used with the same parameters they were first used with . Try using a key other that 252Bbb55-8ceb

Duplicate bank account information was added during the bank setup process.

Ask support team to confirm if there are duplicate bank account information in the backend.

Card Reader Error Messages

Error Message

Error Meaning


Swipe can't be used

You can accept a swipe transaction with Stripe Terminal readers only if the card doesn’t have a chip or as a fallback when chip reading fails.

Try a different form of payment, ideally tap or insert.

Livelink Error Messages

Error Message

Error Meaning


Address is not found

When trying to find a customer's address, if the ID to the system provided is not found, it means we could not find the address to update in our system.

Try a different form of address. If 212 East 95th Street does not work, try 212 E. 95th St.

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